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В Петербурге отремонтируют здание филиала Российской таможенной академии

В предаварийном здании Российской таможенной академии на Софийской улице в Петербурге сделают капитальный ремонт. Об этом сообщили в пресс-службе Федеральной таможенной службы (ФТС России).

The main conceptual idea of the text is that the building of the branch of the Russian Customs Academy in St. Petersburg will undergo a major renovation in 2025. This renovation aims to: * Restore the building's aesthetics: Updates will be made to align with the architectural style of St. Petersburg. * Improve functionality and safety: This includes replacing the roof, installing new elevators, and conducting engineering and internal work. * Create a modern and comfortable learning environment: The renovation will provide a safe, comfortable, and up-to-date space for future customs officers. The overall goal is to improve the facilities and learning experience for students at the academy.

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